Extensions: Expand MobiVisor!

Expand MobiVisor with our additional modules in order to adapt MDM entirely to your needs.

With our MobiVisor extensions, we offer you the option of expanding MDM functions according to your requirements. By using all modules, your entire internal company communication can be covered without having to worry about the security of your company data. No more WhatsApp and other unsafe applications!


Our extensions are as individual as your requirements

We want to offer you tailor-made solutions. That is why you only pay for what you really need with us. Simply book the MobiVisor extensions you want according to the modular principle - no more and no less.


MobiVisor Messenger

MobiVisor Messenger is a secure and encrypted messenger application that makes WhatsApp redundant in the work area. The app offers all the basic functions of a messenger and can even be used as a browser version on stationary devices.

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MobiVisor Secure Mail

MobiVisor Secure Mail is a secure mail program that enables advanced security settings. The application offers investment restrictions, automatic notifications in the event of violations, PIN queries and much more.

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MobiVisor Per-App-VPN

MobiVisor Per-App VPN encrypts the Internet traffic of all your business devices. Defining apps or domains that should use VPN is easily possible with our Per-App VPN.

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MobiVisor Files

MobiVisor Files is a file application that has been optimized for businesses. Saving, managing and exchanging internal company files is easily possible from anywhere with our file manager.

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Which extension suits you the best?

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Your contact person

Managing Director

Sven Noack