Strengthening Charities’ Security: Protecting Your Mission and Donors

MDM Service

In the digital age, charities are not immune to the ever-evolving threat landscape of cybercrime. Surprisingly, cybercriminals often target charities due to perceived vulnerabilities in their cybersecurity measures compared to larger corporations. This article delves into charity’s security, explaining  why charities are targeted, how data is sold on the dark web, and most importantly, how you can safeguard your charity and its invaluable donors from potential data breaches.


Why Are Charities Targeted? 


Limited Security Measures:

Charities, especially smaller ones, may have limited resources to allocate to cybersecurity. This makes charity’s security an attractive target for cybercriminals who exploit weak or nonexistent security measures.


Weak IT Infrastructure:

Charities often run on a tight budget, which can result in outdated IT infrastructure. This presents an opportunity for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities in aging systems.


Valuable Data:

Charities hold sensitive data, including donor information and financial records. This data can be valuable on the dark web due to the potential for identity theft and financial fraud, influencing charity’s security.


How Is Data Sold on the Dark Web?


The dark web is an underground marketplace where cybercriminals trade stolen information. Transactions on the dark web are primarily conducted using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, making it challenging to trace the perpetrators. Cybercriminals also use underground online marketplaces to sell stolen data, including credit card information, login credentials, and personal details. Accessible only through specialized browsers like Tor, the dark web offers a level of anonymity that facilitates illegal activities. The way all this works is more than enough to jeopardize the charity's security. Most donors make donations to charities online and enter sensitive data, such as credit card details, into the system. Without any security measures in place, this process can lead not only to donors' donations not reaching the right place, but also to damage to the organization's reputation.


Charity’s Security: How Can You Protect Your Charity?


Engage Dark Web Monitoring Services:

To safeguard your charity's security, consider enlisting the help of dark web monitoring services. These services employ specialized software to scan the dark web for any traces of your organization's information, promptly alerting you if any is detected. This proactive approach allows you to take preventive action for ensuring the charity’s security before breaches occur.


Implement Mobile Device Management (MDM):

Charity organizations often rely on campaigns in the street, when they are collecting donations or if they want to enlist new donors. For this, they use mobile devices such as tablets. But in order to safely process all the transfers taking place - its important to implement enhanced security, such as MDM. MobiVisor MDM solutions can help to ensure your charity’s security!


Streamlined Security:

MobiVisor MDM simplifies security management by allowing your charity to oversee and enforce security policies across all mobile devices within your organization. This means you can maintain a consistent level of security across various devices, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities and data breaches.


Protecting Online Donations:

In today's digital landscape, online donations are a lifeline for many charities.
MobiVisor MDM can help ensure the charity’s security of online donation processes by:


VPN Integration: MobiVisor facilitates secure transactions by integrating with Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). This encryption ensures that donor information remains confidential during online transactions which ensures reliance on charity’s security.

Permitted Websites: With MobiVisor, you can restrict mobile devices to access only permitted websites, reducing the chances of employees accidentally or intentionally accessing harmful sites or phishing pages.

KIOSK Mode: Activating KIOSK Mode on collection devices ensures that they are dedicated solely to processing donation forms, eliminating distractions and potential security risks.


Device Tracking and Management:

MobiVisor MDM empowers your charity’s security with robust device tracking and management capabilities. This includes:


Location Tracking: In case of loss or theft, MobiVisor helps you track the whereabouts of your devices, potentially recovering valuable data and preventing unauthorized access.

Remote Wipe: In the event a device is lost or stolen, MobiVisor enables you to remotely wipe all data, preventing it from falling into the wrong hands.


Compliance and Reporting:

Charities often handle sensitive donor information, and regulatory compliance is crucial for your charity’s security. MobiVisor MDM ensures compliance with data protection regulations by:


Generating Reports: MobiVisor MDM provides comprehensive reports on device usage, security compliance, and potential security incidents, helping you demonstrate due diligence to regulatory authorities.

Auditing Capabilities: With MobiVisor MDM, you can track and audit device activity, ensuring that your charity maintains a high level of transparency and accountability.

Cost-Efficiency: MobiVisor MDM offers cost-effective solutions by reducing the risk of data breaches and associated costs. Investing in MobiVisor can save your charity significant financial resources that would otherwise be spent on recovering from cyberattacks or regulatory penalties and ensure the charity's security.

Additional Measures for Data Security:


Regular Training:

Educate your staff and volunteers about cybersecurity best practices, including recognizing phishing attempts and maintaining strong passwords to ensure your charity’s security.


Strong Password Policies:

Implement strict password policies, mandating complex passwords that are regularly changed. This can be one of the easiest but effective ways to ensure charity's security.


Software Updates:

Keep all software and operating systems up-to-date to patch known vulnerabilities.


Data Encryption:

Encrypt sensitive data to protect it from unauthorized access.




Cybersecurity in charities is not a luxury but a necessity. The consequences of a data breach can be severe, jeopardizing the personal and financial information of donors, employees, and beneficiaries. By embracing proactive cybersecurity practices, including dark web monitoring and MDM solutions, you can fortify your charity's security. This, in turn, ensures the charity’s security as well as continuity of your organization's mission to serve and support those in need. Remember, protecting your charity's data is not just about safeguarding information; it's about safeguarding the trust and goodwill of your donors and beneficiaries.

Are you looking for an uncomplicated, fast solution for the security of your mobile devices? Get in touch with us today!