Cyber Security: Threats, Strategies, Recommendations


With the development of technology, the possibilities of access to information have greatly increased. However, the ease of access to information also makes it difficult to ensure the security of information. With the use of today's information systems in all areas of life, the concept of cyber-attack complaints has come to the forefront. The internet has spread over a wide area from daily life to government institutions, from economy to commerce, from banks to hospitals.

Cybersecurity, also known as information technology (IT) security, is the practice of protecting sensitive information and important systems for companies from digital attacks. It is designed to prevent threats to networked systems and applications. But the developing technological environment also creates difficulties in the implementation of effective cyber security strategies. As Software is a technology that is designed to constantly be updated and changed, every time it changes, new problems and new vulnerabilities are introduced.
More and more softwares and programs are only available for usage in a cloud, instead of a company owned server (on-premise solution). This means that companies are somewhat forced to migrate at least part of their data to a cloud that exists in the widths of the internet. This causes a new set of security vulnerabilities and a host of design and implementation issues. While all this is happening, it is important for companies to be aware of the various risks that may occur in their IT infrastructure and take cyber security measures.

Cybersecurity Strategy: The Onion Approach


The onion approach has been developed to prevent cybersecurity threats. According to this approach, constant monitoring and multiple layers of defense systems are required to protect against cyber-attack threats. In this way, direct access of the attack to company data is prevented and a kind of firewalls/defense layers are created. These firewalls consist of Data Protection, End-User Security, Network Protection and Application Security, respectively, from inside to outside.

These walls are created to protect the information of both the company and its employees, and especially with the spread of working from home, remotely bridged network connections such as laptops and phones against cyber threats.

A strong cybersecurity strategy has layers of defense against cybersecurity threats, including cyberattacks that attempt to access, alter or destroy data; Or those which intend to extort money from users or the organization, or to disrupt normal business operations. It is important to ensure mobile security, since most of the cyber-attacks carry out an attack on mobile data and mobile devices due to the increasing number of mobile phones, providing mobile security against cyber attacks is crucial. In particular, the fact that the devices connected to the company are managed by more than one source and system causes the company data to become vulnerable to cyber-attack threats. Here, an MDM such as MobiVisor, solves exactly this problem.

Building Cyber Security Measures: MobiVisor


MobiVisor is a mobile software that enables safe remote management of your corporate mobile device with the Mobile Device Management System (MDM). It works seamlessly on all devices supported by Android and iOS operating systems. Thanks to MobiVisor and its additional functions, it is guaranteed that your company data will be handled more carefully and securely. In addition, notification or action can be automatically sent when a predefined violation against company data is detected.

So it can be said that to secure all devices in a company, it is best to implement a multi-layered protection solution called a cyber onion. MobiVisor MDM is not only a part of this onion, but an onion itself for the protection of your mobile devices.

If you'd like to hear more about Cybersecurity, click the button below to visit our website!

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